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870 - Kerbal Space Program
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870 - Kerbal Space Program
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-- Apps Database
---- 172 - 18 WOS Extr. Trucker
---- 173 - 18 WOS Extr. Trucker 2
---- 174 - 18 WOS Haulin
---- 175 - 18 WOS American Long Haul
---- 176 - 2 Fast Driver
---- 177 - 25 to Life
---- 178 - 7.62 High Calibre
---- 179 - AGON Mysterious Codex
---- 180 - Adams Venture
---- 181 - Ahriman's Prophecy
---- 182 - Alpha Prime
---- 183 - Anno 1404
---- 184 - Anno 1503
---- 185 - Aqua Kitty
---- 186 - Aquanox
---- 187 - Aquanox 2
---- 188 - Arcanum
---- 189 - Art of Murder - FBI Confidential
---- 190 - Arx Fatalis
---- 191 - Aura
---- 192 - Aura 2
---- 193 - Battlefield 1942
---- 194 - Battleships forever
---- 195 - Bootfighter Windom XP
---- 196 - Broken Sword 4
---- 197 - Bus Simulator 2
---- 198 - Bus- & Cable-Car-Simulator
---- 200 - C&C Generals + Zero Hour
---- 201 - C&C Red Alert
---- 202 - C&C Red Alert 2
---- 203 - C&C Renegade
---- 204 - Caesar III
---- 205 - Call of Juarez
---- 207 - Chris Sawyers Locomotion
---- 208 - Cities XL Platinum
---- 209 - Crimzon Clover
---- 211 - Cultures
---- 212 - Cultures 3 Northland
---- 213 - Darkstar One
---- 214 - Deus Ex
---- 215 - Diehard Dungeon
---- 216 - Disciples 2 Rise of the Elves
---- 217 - Disciples Gold
---- 218 - Disciples III Renaissance
---- 219 - Ducktales Remastered
---- 220 - Dune 2000
---- 221 - Dungeon Keeper 2
---- 223 - Etherlords 2
---- 225 - Europa Universalis
---- 227 - Fairy Bloom Freesia
---- 228 - Final Fantasy III
---- 229 - Flatout 3
---- 230 - Freespace 2
---- 231 - Gatling Gears
---- 232 - Gothic
---- 233 - Gothic 2 Gold
---- 234 - HAWX 2
---- 235 - Hearts of Iron
---- 236 - Heroes of Might and Magic 3
---- 237 - IL-2 Sturmovic
---- 238 - Imperialism
---- 239 - Imperialism 2
---- 240 - In Cold Blood
---- 241 - Industry Giant 2
---- 242 - Insane
---- 243 - Interstate 76 Arsenal
---- 244 - Kingpin
---- 245 - Lament
---- 249 - Medal of Honor - Warchest
---- 250 - Men of War Assault Squad
---- 252 - Men of War Condemnded Heroes
---- 253 - Men of War Vietnam
---- 254 - Mobile Forces
---- 255 - Moonbase Commander
---- 256 - Mutant Blobs Attack
---- 257 - Navyfield 2 (BETA)
---- 258 - Need for Speed Shift
---- 260 - Nexus the Jupiter Incident
---- 261 - Offworld Recource Base
---- 262 - Operation Valkyrie
---- 263 - Orcs Must Die
---- 264 - Outcast
---- 265 - Panzer General 2
---- 266 - Panzer Tactics HD
---- 267 - Pharaoh Gold
---- 268 - Pinball Space Cadet
---- 269 - Pioneer Lands
---- 270 - Planet Alcatraz
---- 271 - Praetorians
---- 272 - Prince of Persia Sands of Time
---- 273 - Pro Pinball - Big Race USA
---- 274 - Pro Pinball - Fantastic Journey
---- 275 - Project Eden
---- 276 - RHEM Trilogy
---- 277 - RISEN
---- 278 - Railroad Tycoon 2
---- 279 - Raptor (2010)
---- 280 - Rayman 2
---- 281 - Rayman 3
---- 282 - Reversion - The Escape
---- 283 - Richard & Alice
---- 284 - Rocket Ranger
---- 285 - Rollercoaster Tycoon
---- 286 - Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
---- 287 - Rune Classic
---- 288 - Sam and Max Save the World
---- 289 - Silver
---- 290 - Sine Mora
---- 292 - Spelunky
---- 293 - Spelunky 2008
---- 294 - Star Wars - Empire at War
---- 295 - Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds
---- 296 - Star Wars - KotOR2
---- 297 - Star Wars - Starfighter
---- 298 - Star Wars JK - Dark Forces 2
---- 299 - Startopia
---- 300 - Strategic Command
---- 301 - Sudden Strike 2
---- 302 - Supreme Ruler 2010
---- 303 - Supreme Ruler 2020
---- 304 - Surface Mining Simulator
---- 305 - Tank Operations
---- 307 - The Adventures of Shuggy
---- 308 - The Adventures of Tintin
---- 309 - The Escapists
---- 310 - The Manhole
---- 312 - The Samaritan Paradox
---- 313 - The Settlers II - 10th Anniversary
---- 314 - The Settlers IV
---- 315 - The Settlers V
---- 316 - Thief Gold
---- 318 - Trackmania Nations Forever
---- 319 - Tropico + Paradise Island
---- 320 - Tropico 2 - Pirate Cove
---- 321 - Versailles 2
---- 322 - Warlords Battlecry
---- 323 - Wildlife Park 2
---- 324 - Wings Classic
---- 325 - Worms United
---- 326 - Worms Pinball
---- 327 - Worms Ultimate Mayhem
---- 328 - Zeus + Poseidon
---- 329 - Blitzkrieg 2
---- 330 - Evolva
---- 332 - Populous 3
---- 333 - STALKER Clear Sky
---- 334 - Urban Chaos
---- 335 - Worms Forts Under Siege
---- 336 - Croc - Legend of the Gobbos
---- 337 - The Elder Scrolls II - Daggerfall
---- 338 - Gangland
---- 339 - Star Wars - Republic Commando
---- 342 - Bloom
---- 343 - Driftmoon
---- 346 - NBA 2k14
---- 347 - NBA 2k13
---- 348 - The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind
---- 350 - Men of War Red Tide
---- 351 - Men of War
---- 352 - Operation Flashpoint - Dragon Rising
---- 353 - Call of Juarez Gunslinger
---- 354 - South Park - Stick of Truth
---- 355 - Lara Croft: Guardian of Light
---- 357 - Bully Scholarship Edition
---- 358 - Serious Sam 2
---- 359 - Star Wars - Battlefront 2
---- 360 - The Catlady
---- 362 - Quintessence - The Blighted Venom
---- 363 - Red Faction
---- 364 - Ben there, Dan that
---- 366 - C&C Tiberian Sun + FireStorm
---- 370 - Face Noir
---- 371 - Knights of Honor
---- 373 - Mini Golf Maniaks
---- 374 - Toy Defense
---- 378 - YS I Complete
---- 382 - YS 2 Complete
---- 383 - YS Origin
---- 384 - Wings of Fury 2
---- 385 - Age of Empires 2 HD
---- 386 - Stranded 2
---- 387 - Eye of Kraken
---- 390 - Medieval II Total War
---- 391 - BC Kings
---- 392 - Pac-Man Museum
---- 393 - Final Fantasy VII
---- 394 - Final Fantasy VIII
---- 395 - Mutant Mudds
---- 396 - LEGO Batman
---- 397 - Monkey Island 2 SE
---- 398 - Outlaws
---- 401 - Star Wars - X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
---- 402 - onEscapee
---- 403 - Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance
---- 404 - Dark Void Zero
---- 405 - Live for Speed
---- 406 - Supreme Commander
---- 407 - SBK 2011
---- 408 - Tomb Raider IV
---- 409 - Tomb Raider V
---- 410 - Cossacks - Art of War
---- 411 - Cossacks - Back to War
---- 412 - Cossacks - European Wars
---- 413 - American Conquest: Fight Back
---- 414 - Thief 2 - Metal Age
---- 416 - Thief 3 - Deadly Shadows
---- 418 - Steambuild 1
---- 419 - Steambuild 32/64bit Metal
---- 421 - Steambuild 1 -directplay
---- 422 - Steambuild 32/64bit Direct3D
---- 423 - Steambuild 1 -GLSL
---- 424 - Steambuild 1b
---- 426 - Knights and Merchants
---- 427 - Aarklash Legacy
---- 431 - xxxxxx
---- 432 - Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus
---- 433 - Commandos Strike Force
---- 434 - Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee
---- 438 - Gurumin - A Monstrous game
---- 439 - Pilot Brothers
---- 440 - The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
---- 444 - Avatar The Game
---- 445 - Assassin's Creed Revelations
---- 446 - Galactic Assault - Prisoner of Power
---- 447 - The Settlers II Gold
---- 448 - Capitalism Plus
---- 449 - Claw
---- 450 - Torin's Passage
---- 451 - Rayman Forever
---- 452 - Heroes of Might and Magic
---- 453 - Heroes of Might and Magic 2
---- 454 - Massive Assault
---- 455 - Faces of War
---- 456 - Star Wolves
---- 457 - C&C 3 Tiberian Wars + Kane's Wrath
---- 458 - The Last Express
---- 459 - Sid Meier's Civilization II
---- 460 - Death to Spies
---- 461 - Broken Sword 3
---- 462 - Imperial Glory
---- 463 - Zork Grand Inquisitor
---- 464 - Empire Earth 2
---- 465 - Sacred Gold
---- 467 - American Conquest
---- 468 - Red Baron
---- 469 - Red Baron 3D
---- 470 - Street Fighter Alpha 2
---- 471 - Patrician
---- 472 - Iron Grip Warlord
---- 473 - The Elder Scrolls I - Arena
---- 474 - Patrician 2
---- 475 - Patrician 3
---- 476 - Black Mirror
---- 477 - Black Mirror 2
---- 479 - Raiden III
---- 480 - Judge Dredd - Dredd vs Death
---- 481 - The Guild 2
---- 482 - Desperados 2
---- 483 - Chaser
---- 485 - Police Quest
---- 486 - Police Quest 3
---- 487 - Police Quest 2
---- 488 - Police Quest 4
---- 489 - Black Mirror 3
---- 490 - Stealth Bastard Deluxe
---- 491 - King's Quest I Remake
---- 492 - King's Quest IV
---- 493 - King's Quest V
---- 494 - King's Quest VI
---- 496 - F.E.A.R. 2 - Project Origin
---- 497 - Commandos Behind Enemy Lines
---- 498 - Commandos Beyond the Call of Duty
---- 499 - Commandos 3
---- 500 - Commandos 2
---- 501 - Banished
---- 502 - Carmageddon 2
---- 506 - Techno Babylon
---- 507 - Moto Racer 3
---- 508 - Cultures 2
---- 509 - Cultures 4 8th Wonder
---- 510 - Disciples 2 Dark Prophesy
---- 511 - Sherlock Holmes - Secret of the Silver Earring
---- 512 - Police Quest SWAT 2
---- 513 - Police Quest SWAT 1
---- 515 - Euro Truck Simulator 2
---- 516 - Space Rangers HD
---- 517 - World Rally Fever
---- 518 - Mount & Blade Warband
---- 519 - Mount & Blade
---- 520 - Mount & Blade With Fire and Sword
---- 521 - The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion
---- 522 - Ragnarok Online
---- 523 - Gray Matter
---- 524 - Mass Effect
---- 525 - Thrillville
---- 526 - Star Trek - Star Fleet Command
---- 527 - Battlefield 2
---- 528 - Narnia Prince Caspian
---- 529 - Adventure Park
---- 531 - The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim (Legendary Edition)
---- 532 - Super Power 2
---- 533 - Path of Exile
---- 535 - Pax Imperia
---- 536 - Albion
---- 537 - Anno 1602
---- 541 - Burnout Paradise
---- 542 - Need for Speed Undercover
---- 543 - Toren
---- 544 - An Elder Scrolls Legend - Battlespire
---- 545 - The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard
---- 546 - Fallout
---- 547 - Fallout Tactics
---- 548 - Fallout 2
---- 549 - Risen 2
---- 550 - Tomb Raider Legend
---- 551 - Grand Theft Auto
---- 552 - Grand Theft Auto II
---- 553 - Hitman - Codename 47
---- 554 - Dungeons & Dragons Dragonshard
---- 555 - Warhammer 40k Dawn of War
---- 556 - Ghost Recon
---- 558 - Trials 2 SE
---- 559 - Darkstone
---- 560 - Tzar - The Burden of the Crown
---- 561 - Alone in the Dark The New Nightmare
---- 562 - D-Day Normandy
---- 563 - Warlords Battlecry 3
---- 564 - Perimeter
---- 565 - Age of Wonders
---- 566 - Children Of The Nile
---- 567 - Pandemonium
---- 568 - Ethan Meteor Hunter
---- 569 - Age of Wonders 2
---- 571 - Omikron The Nomad Soul
---- 572 - Lionheart Legacy Of The Crusader
---- 574 - Far Cry 2
---- 575 - STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl
---- 576 - Far Cry
---- 577 - Cosmonautica
---- 578 - EA App (D3DMetal)
---- 579 - Red Faction II
---- 580 - Injustice - Gods Among Us
---- 581 - Silent Storm Gold
---- 582 - Redline
---- 583 - System Shock Classic Edition
---- 584 - Dream
---- 585 - Pro Pinball - Timeshock
---- 586 - Etherlords
---- 587 - UFO Aftermath
---- 588 - Anachronox
---- 589 - A Fistful of Gun
---- 590 - Shadow watch
---- 591 - Return to Castle Wolfenstein
---- 593 - Pirates - Battle for Caribbean
---- 594 - World in Conflict
---- 595 - Superbikes Racing
---- 596 - Offroad Racing
---- 597 - Helic
---- 598 - Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness
---- 599 - Crazy Taxi
---- 600 - Silent Hunter 2
---- 601 - North vs South
---- 602 - Open Kart
---- 603 - Motoracing
---- 604 - Next Stop
---- 605 - Trio - The Great Settlement
---- 606 - Shoot 'n' Scroll
---- 607 - Land Grabbers
---- 608 - Tabletop Defense
---- 609 - Deus Ex 2 - Invisible War
---- 610 - Running Sheep - Tiny Worlds
---- 611 - Running Sheep
---- 612 - Real Pool
---- 613 - Big Air War
---- 614 - Royal Envoy
---- 615 - Royal Envoy 2
---- 616 - Exotic Farm
---- 617 - Hitman II - Silent Assassin
---- 618 - Hitman III - Contracts
---- 627 - Jade Empire
---- 628 - Flatout
---- 629 - MX vs ATV Unleashed
---- 630 - Theseus - Return of the Hero
---- 631 - Golden Dozen Solitaire
---- 632 - Milky Bear - Riches Rider 3
---- 633 - Around the World in 80 Days
---- 634 - Alien Wars
---- 635 - Real Dominoes
---- 636 - Supercars Racing
---- 637 - Police Supercars Racing
---- 638 - Birds Town
---- 639 - Cradle of Rome 2
---- 640 - Mini Golf Pro 3D
---- 641 - Spidermania Solitaire
---- 649 - Star Racing
---- 650 - Green City
---- 652 - Desert Hawk
---- 653 - Barn Yarn
---- 654 - Green City 2
---- 655 - Death to Spies - Moment of Truth
---- 656 - Farmscapes
---- 657 - Runaway 3 - Twist of Fate
---- 658 - Worms 2
---- 663 - Sky Track
---- 665 - Yesterday
---- 666 - Monument Builder - Eifel Tower
---- 667 - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
---- 668 - Hitman IV - Blood Money
---- 669 - Time, Gentlemen please!
---- 670 - Eador Genesis
---- 671 - Paradise Beach
---- 673 - Alien Shooter
---- 674 - Alien Shooter 2
---- 675 - Signal Ops
---- 676 - Unreal Tournament
---- 677 - Anno 2070
---- 678 - Serious Sam 1st Encounter
---- 679 - Bug Bits
---- 680 - Post Mortem
---- 681 - Serious Sam 2nd Encounter
---- 682 - Desperados
---- 683 - Heroes of Might and Magic 4
---- 684 - Freedom Force
---- 685 - Freedom Force vs 3rd Reich
---- 686 - Helldorado
---- 687 - Driver Parallel Lines
---- 688 - Prince of persia Warrior Within
---- 689 - Unreal 2 - The Awakening
---- 690 - Port Royale
---- 691 - Wings Remastered
---- 692 - Gex
---- 694 - Screamer 4x4
---- 695 - Extreme Bike Trails
---- 696 - Fishdom: Depths of Time
---- 697 - Heroes of Might and Magic 5
---- 698 - Heroes of Might and Magic 5 - DLC
---- 699 - Stronghold Crusader 2
---- 700 - American Lowriders
---- 701 - Jewel Match 2
---- 702 - Heroes Chronicles - Chapter 1
---- 703 - Heroes Chronicles - Chapter 2
---- 704 - Grand Ages Rome
---- 705 - Heroes Chronicles - Chapter 3
---- 706 - Heroes Chronicles - Chapter 4
---- 707 - Heroes Chronicles - Chapter 5
---- 708 - Heroes Chronicles - Chapter 6
---- 709 - Heroes Chronicles - Chapter 7
---- 710 - Heroes Chronicles - Chapter 8
---- 711 - The Dead Mountaineer's Hotel
---- 712 - Jewel Quest 2
---- 713 - Ocean Quest
---- 714 - Pacxon
---- 715 - Flock!
---- 716 - MUGEN: Marvel vs Capcom 2
---- 717 - MUGEN: Street Fighter 2008 ED
---- 718 - SPORE
---- 720 - Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943
---- 721 - Clive Barker's Undying
---- 722 - Trainz Simulator 2009
---- 723 - The Moment of Silence
---- 724 - PT Boats - Knights of the Seas
---- 725 - PT Boats - South Gambit
---- 726 - Battle of Troy
---- 727 - Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle
---- 728 - Hotel Giant 1 (Edition 2012)
---- 729 - World Train Royale
---- 730 - Age of Empires
---- 731 - Alarm for Cobra 11 - Nitro
---- 732 - Bionicle Heroes
---- 733 - Delta Force
---- 734 - Delta Force 2
---- 735 - Delta Force Land Warrior
---- 736 - Monkey Island 3
---- 737 - Worms Armageddon
---- 738 - Incredible Machine
---- 739 - Incredible Machine - More Contraptions
---- 740 - Incredible Machine - Even more
---- 741 - Incredible Machine 3
---- 742 - Ferrari Virtual Race
---- 743 - Lands of Lore 3
---- 744 - Breezeblox
---- 745 - Fallout - New Vegas
---- 746 - Star Wars - Rebellion
---- 747 - Seven Kingdoms - Ancient Adversaries
---- 748 - Blood and Gold - Caribbean
---- 749 - Sins of a Solar Empire - Rebellion
---- 750 - Spoiler Alert
---- 751 - Call of Atlantis - Treasures of Poseidon
---- 752 - C&C Tiberian Dawn
---- 753 - Inquisitor
---- 754 - Neverwinter Nights Diamond
---- 755 - STALKER Call of Pripyat
---- 756 - Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
---- 757 - Neverwinter Nights 2
---- 758 - Sudden Strike 3 - Normandy
---- 759 - SpaceChem
---- 760 - Overclocked - A History of Violence
---- 761 - Empire Earth 3
---- 762 - Treasure Adventure Game
---- 763 - MechCommander Gold
---- 764 - Trials Legends
---- 765 - Battle Tanks 2
---- 766 - Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI
---- 767 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
---- 769 - Dreamfall - The Longest Journey
---- 770 - Dress-up Pups
---- 771 - Combat Chess
---- 772 - Robin's Island Adventure
---- 773 - Wild West Story - The Beginning
---- 774 - Myst V - End of Ages
---- 775 - Trickstyle
---- 776 - Warrior Kings
---- 777 - Myst II - Riven
---- 778 - Unreal Gold
---- 779 - Chess vs The Axis of Evil
---- 780 - Family Vacation California
---- 781 - Jagged Alliance
---- 782 - Myst (Real Myst)
---- 783 - Jagged Alliance - Deadly Games
---- 784 - Diablo 2
---- 785 - King's Quest II Remake
---- 786 - King's Quest III Remake
---- 787 - Quake I -The Offering
---- 789 - Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction
---- 790 - Broken Sword 2.5
---- 791 - Crime Solitaire 2
---- 792 - S.W.I.N.E
---- 793 - The Silver Lining
---- 794 - Quake II - Quad Damage
---- 795 - Quake III - Arena
---- 796 - Civcity Rome
---- 797 - Star Wolves 2
---- 798 - Jigsaw Puzzle Diamond Pack
---- 799 - Ship Simulator Extremes
---- 800 - Myst Uru Complete Chronicles
---- 801 - The Summoner
---- 802 - The Nations Gold
---- 803 - Re-volt
---- 804 - The Guild 2 - Pirates of European Seas
---- 805 - The Guild 2 - Renaissance
---- 806 - Army Men - Air Attack
---- 807 - Alien vs Predator Classic
---- 808 - Armikrog
---- 809 - Maldita Castilla
---- 810 - Hydorah
---- 811 - Rayman Raving Rabbids
---- 812 - Battle Realms + Winter of the Wolf
---- 813 - Sensible Soccer 2006
---- 814 - Call Of Cthulhu - Shadow of the Comet
---- 815 - Port Royale 2
---- 816 - Battle Isle - The Andosia War
---- 817 - Age of Empires 2
---- 818 - Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors
---- 819 - Pirates of Caribbean - At Worlds End
---- 820 - F.E.A.R. Platinum
---- 821 - The Long Dark
---- 822 - Spellforce Platinum
---- 823 - The Age of Decadence
---- 824 - Space Quest IV
---- 825 - Space Quest V
---- 826 - Space Quest VI
---- 827 - Codename Panzers - Phase 1
---- 828 - Zork Nemesis - The Forbidden Lands
---- 829 - GOG Galaxy (Direct3D)
---- 830 - Lucky Luke - Western Fever
---- 831 - Perimeter - Emperor's Testament
---- 832 - Shardlight
---- 833 - Alien Breed
---- 834 - Alien Breed - Tower Assault
---- 837 - Family Vacation 2 - Road Trip
---- 839 - Sid Meier's Colonization
---- 841 - Day of the Tentacle Remastered
---- 842 - Elven Legacy
---- 843 - Croc 2
---- 844 - Sid Meier's Pirates
---- 845 - Sid Meier's Railroads!
---- 846 - Baldur's Gate Enhanced
---- 847 - Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced
---- 848 - Planescape Torment Enhanced Edition
---- 849 - Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition
---- 850 - Icewind Dale 2 Complete
---- 851 - Theme Hospital
---- 852 - Master of Orion 1 + 2
---- 853 - Medal of Honor - Pacific Assault
---- 854 - Wolfenstein 3D
---- 855 - Railroad Tycoon 3
---- 856 - Back to Bed
---- 857 - Lost in Time Invasion
---- 858 - X-COM UFO Defense
---- 859 - X-COM Terror from the Deep
---- 860 - X-COM Apocalypse
---- 862 - Beyond Good & Evil
---- 863 - Lands of Lore 1 + 2
---- 864 - 8 Ball Pool
---- 865 - Majesty Gold HD
---- 866 - The Ultimate Doom
---- 867 - Stronghold Collection
---- 868 - Tisnart Tiles
---- 869 - The Hunt for Red Panda
---- 870 - Kerbal Space Program
---- 871 - MDK 2
---- 872 - MDK
---- 873 - Sea Dogs
---- 874 - Toy Defense 2
---- 875 - Quest for Glory
---- 876 - Quest for Glory 2
---- 877 - Quest for Glory 3
---- 878 - Quest for Glory 4
---- 879 - Quest for Glory 5
---- 880 - Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom
---- 881 - Need for Speed Underground 2
---- 882 - World of Tanks
---- 883 - The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
---- 884 - The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
---- 885 - The Temple of Elemental Evil
---- 886 - System Shock 2
---- 887 - Dungeon Keeper Gold
---- 888 - SimCity 2000 - Special Edition
---- 889 - Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2
---- 890 - Final Fantasy XI
---- 891 - Race 07
---- 892 - Megaman Unlimited
---- 893 - Battlefield 2142
---- 894 - Political Machine 2016
---- 895 - Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire
---- 896 - Sherlock Holmes - Nemesis
---- 897 - Sherlock Holmes - The Awakened
---- 899 - Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis
---- 900 - Sherlock Holmes - versus Jack the Ripper
---- 901 - Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance
---- 902 - Deadbolt
---- 903 - Payday 2
---- 904 - Battlefield Vietnam
---- 905 - Star Wolves 3 - Civil War
---- 906 - Payday - The Heist
---- 907 - Assassin's Creed
---- 908 - Age of Empires 3
---- 909 - Final Doom
---- 910 - Doom I + II
---- 911 - Fantasy Wars
---- 912 - Metal Gear Solid
---- 913 - Ski Racing 2005
---- 914 - Call of Duty - World at War
---- 915 - Valiant Heart
---- 916 - Rayman Legends
---- 917 - Rayman Origins
---- 918 - Speedball 2 HD
---- 919 - King's Quest VII
---- 920 - Wolfenstein Spear Of Destiny
---- 921 - This War of Mine
---- 922 - Max Payne
---- 923 - Fleet Command
---- 924 - Crazy Cars - Hit the Road
---- 925 - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
---- 926 - Toy Story 3
---- 927 - Worms revolution
---- 928 - Company of Heroes 2
---- 929 - Warhammer 40k Dawn of War - Soulstorm
---- 930 - Warhammer 40k Dawn of War - Master Collection
---- 931 - Star Trek - Starfleet Academie
---- 932 - F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighter 2.0
---- 933 - Alien Breed - Obliteration
---- 934 - Hearts of Iron IV
---- 935 - Code of Honor - The French Foreign Legion
---- 936 - Momodora - Reverie Under the Moonlight
---- 937 - Puzzle agent 2
---- 938 - Mafia II Definitive Edition
---- 939 - Unreal Tournament 2004
---- 940 - Phantasmagoria 2
---- 941 - King of Dragon Pass
---- 942 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2016
---- 944 - Caesar IV
---- 945 - LEGO Island 2
---- 946 - Gabriel Knight 3
---- 947 - Red Faction Guerrilla Remastered
---- 948 - LEGO Alpha Team
---- 949 - Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within
---- 950 - Crystals of Time
---- 951 - Space Legends
---- 952 - Chronology
---- 953 - Dirt Bike Super Racing
---- 954 - Exanima
---- 955 - AudioSurf
---- 956 - Warcraft III
---- 957 - Empire Earth
---- 958 - C&C Red Alert 3 + Uprising
---- 960 - Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver 2
---- 961 - Lead and Gold - Gangs of the Wild West
---- 962 - Tomb Raider III
---- 964 - Tomb Raider II
---- 965 - Dragon Ball Xenoverse
---- 966 - Monkey Island 4 - Escape from Monkey Island
---- 967 - The Princess Case - A Royal Scoop
---- 968 - GUN
---- 969 - Max Payne 2
---- 970 - SWAT 3
---- 971 - Warcraft III - Frozen Throne
---- 973 - Advent Rising
---- 974 - MotoGP Ultimate Racing
---- 975 - Valkyria Chronicles
---- 976 - Silent Hunter IV
---- 977 - Saints Row 2
---- 978 - Rage of Mages
---- 979 - Rage of Mages 2
---- 980 - Thunder Wolves
---- 981 - Nights into Dreams
---- 982 - Orcs Must Die 2
---- 983 - SimCity 3000 - Unlimited
---- 984 - Oddworld - Strangers Wrath HD
---- 985 - Star Wars - Dark Forces
---- 986 - Goliath
---- 987 - Weeping Skies
---- 988 - Hegemony Rome - Rise of Caesar
---- 989 - Risen 3 - Titan Lords
---- 990 - Starbound
---- 991 - Evil Genius
---- 992 - Little Big Adventure 2
---- 993 - Little Big Adventure
---- 994 - FTL - Advanced Edition
---- 995 - Total Annihilation - Commander Pack
---- 996 - Ultima 7 - Complete
---- 997 - Syndicate Plus
---- 998 - Wing Commander 1 + 2
---- 999 - Wing Commander 3
---- 1000 - Legend of Grimrock
---- 1001 - Wing Commander - Privateer
---- 1003 - Stronghold HD
---- 1004 - Ultima Underworld 1 + 2
---- 1006 - Jagged Alliance 2
---- 1007 - Descent Freespace - Battle Pack
---- 1009 - To the Moon
---- 1010 - Psychonauts
---- 1011 - Broken Sword 2 Remastered
---- 1012 - Redneck Rampage Collection
---- 1013 - Crusader - No Remorse
---- 1015 - Gothic 3
---- 1016 - Alone in the Dark 1 + 2 + 3
---- 1017 - Postal 2
---- 1019 - Tex Murphy - The Pandora Directive
---- 1021 - Torchlight
---- 1022 - Septerra Core - Legacy of the Creator
---- 1023 - Machinarium
---- 1024 - Tex Murphy 1 + 2
---- 1025 - The Lion King
---- 1026 - The Jungle Book
---- 1027 - Aladdin
---- 1028 - Stardew Valley
---- 1029 - Mosby's Confederacy
---- 1030 - Rollers of the Realm
---- 1031 - War in a Box - Paper Tanks
---- 1032 - Sid Meier's Civilization III Complete
---- 1034 - Odallus - The Dark Call
---- 1035 - 7th Legion
---- 1036 - Alien Nations
---- 1037 - Age of Wonders - Shadow Magic
---- 1038 - Alan Wake
---- 1039 - Age of Wonders 3
---- 1040 - Call to Power 2
---- 1041 - Apache Longbow
---- 1042 - LEGO Rock Raiders
---- 1043 - Worms W.M.D
---- 1044 - Pilot Brothers 2
---- 1045 - Pilot Brothers 3
---- 1046 - Crusader Kings 2
---- 1047 - Empire Total War
---- 1048 - Napoleon Total War
---- 1049 - Parkan The Imperial Chronicles
---- 1050 - Armello
---- 1051 - Titan Quest - Anniversary Edition
---- 1053 - ARMA 2
---- 1054 - Archimedean Dynasty
---- 1055 - Fallout 3 Game of the Year
---- 1056 - Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3
---- 1057 - Gabriel Knight - Sins of Our Fathers
---- 1058 - Return to Zork
---- 1059 - Army Men 2
---- 1060 - Army Men - Toys in Space
---- 1061 - Max Payne 3
---- 1062 - Space Quest
---- 1063 - Space Quest II
---- 1064 - Space Quest III
---- 1065 - Age of Empires - Rise of Rome - HD Patch
---- 1066 - Soldiers - Heroes of World War II
---- 1067 - Counter Strike - Global Offensive
---- 1068 - Diablo
---- 1069 - Backyard Baseball 1997
---- 1070 - Tomb Raider (2013)
---- 1071 - Mirrors Edge
---- 1072 - The Sims 3
---- 1073 - Stronghold 3
---- 1074 - Flying Islands Chronicles
---- 1075 - Panda Chunky
---- 1076 - Snail Bob 2
---- 1077 - Hospital Tycoon
---- 1078 - War Wind II - Human Onslaught
---- 1079 - Bus Driver
---- 1080 - A Story About My Uncle
---- 1082 - Phantasmagoria
---- 1083 - World Ship Simulator
---- 1084 - Motorhead
---- 1085 - Lords of Magic
---- 1086 - Total Overdose
---- 1088 - Double Dragon Forever
---- 1089 - Singularity
---- 1090 - Europa Universalis Rome Gold
---- 1091 - Special Transport Simulator
---- 1092 - Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
---- 1093 - Spice Road
---- 1094 - Flashback
---- 1095 - Castlevania - Lords of Shadow 2
---- 1096 - Lost Horizon
---- 1097 - Secret Files - Tunguska
---- 1098 - Lost Horizon 2
---- 1099 - Star Raid
---- 1100 - Secret Files 3
---- 1101 - Secret Files 2 - Puritas Cordis
---- 1102 - Tycoon City New York
---- 1103 - Dark Reign + Expansion
---- 1104 - Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
---- 1105 - Fable - The Lost Chapters
---- 1106 - Company of Heroes
---- 1107 - Dungeon Rats
---- 1108 - Ys VI The Ark of Napishtim
---- 1109 - Street Racing Syndicate
---- 1110 - Fable Anniversary
---- 1111 - Sword of the Stars Complete
---- 1112 - Boulder Dash Remake
---- 1113 - Roll em up Pinball
---- 1114 - Delta Force Task Force Dagger
---- 1115 - Delta Force Extreme
---- 1116 - Tron 2.0
---- 1117 - For the Glory
---- 1118 - Darkest Hour
---- 1119 - Airline Tycoon Deluxe
---- 1120 - Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare
---- 1121 - The Longest Journey
---- 1122 - Imperium Galactica
---- 1123 - Atlantis Pearls of the Deep
---- 1124 - Jewel Match Snowscapes
---- 1125 - Sniper - Art of Victory
---- 1126 - SWAT 4
---- 1127 - Bioshock Remastered
---- 1128 - Knights Gambit
---- 1129 - Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist
---- 1130 - Subterrain
---- 1132 - Caesar
---- 1133 - Caesar II
---- 1135 - Mainlining
---- 1136 - The Colonel's Bequest
---- 1137 - The Dagger of Amon Ra
---- 1138 - Hidden and Dangerous 2
---- 1139 - Smokin Guns
---- 1140 - Snowmobile Extreme Racing
---- 1141 - Soda Dungeon
---- 1142 - Midas Gold Plus
---- 1143 - GTR 2
---- 1144 - Armed and Dangerous
---- 1145 - Marble Drop
---- 1146 - F-16 Multirole Fighter
---- 1147 - Torment Tides of Numenera
---- 1148 - Firestarter
---- 1149 - Full Throttle Remastered
---- 1150 - World of Warships
---- 1151 - Tachyon - The Fringe
---- 1152 - Dark Fall -The Journal
---- 1153 - Space Rangers Quest
---- 1154 - Delta Force Black Hawk Down
---- 1155 - The Adventures of Willy Beamish
---- 1156 - Ignition
---- 1157 - Army Men RTS
---- 1158 - Thimbleweed Park
---- 1159 - Stories Untold (32bit)
---- 1160 - Obduction
---- 1161 - Pro Evolution Soccer 2017
---- 1162 - King's Quest Complete Collection
---- 1163 - Atlantis 3 - The New World
---- 1164 - Train Simulator 2016
---- 1165 - Toy Soldiers Complete
---- 1166 - Double Dragon Neon
---- 1167 - Restaurant Empire
---- 1168 - Supreme Commander 2
---- 1169 - Spellforce 2 Aniversary Edition
---- 1170 - Sonic CD
---- 1171 - Sea Dogs - City of Abandoned Ships
---- 1172 - Saints Row - The Third
---- 1173 - Hector - Badge of Carnage
---- 1174 - DC Universe Online
---- 1176 - Wing Commander Armada
---- 1177 - The Legend of Heroes - Trails in the Sky
---- 1178 - Codename ICEMAN
---- 1179 - Arma Cold War Assault
---- 1180 - Star Wars - Tie Fighter SE
---- 1181 - Star Wars - X-WIng SE
---- 1182 - Conquests of Camelot
---- 1183 - Conquests of the Longbow
---- 1184 - Alien Breed Trilogy
---- 1185 - Donkey Kong Remake
---- 1186 - Rain World
---- 1187 - Battlestations - Midway
---- 1188 - Alpha Protocol
---- 1194 - LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
---- 1196 - 688(I) Hunter
---- 1197 - Armored Fist 3
---- 1200 - Blade Runner
---- 1201 - Mass Effect 2
---- 1202 - Sanctuary RPG - Black Edition
---- 1203 - Downwell
---- 1204 - Ruin of the Reckless
---- 1205 - Dangerous Waters
---- 1206 - MIG-29 Fulcrum
---- 1207 - Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers
---- 1208 - Middle Earth - Shadow of Mordor
---- 1210 - Call of Duty Blackops
---- 1213 - Call of Duty Deluxe
---- 1214 - Deus Ex - Human Revolution
---- 1215 - Assassin's Creed 2
---- 1216 - Assassin's Creed - The Brotherhood
---- 1217 - Rocket League
---- 1218 - Elder Scrolls Online
---- 1219 - Syberia 3
---- 1220 - Syberia
---- 1221 - Thief (2014)
---- 1222 - Syberia 2
---- 1223 - Shogun 2 - Total War
---- 1224 - Total War Rome 2
---- 1225 - F1 2016
---- 1226 - Warhammer 40k Dawn of War II
---- 1227 - Mad Max
---- 1228 - Anno 1701
---- 1229 - Deadnaut
---- 1230 - Throne of Darkness
---- 1232 - Zoo Tycoon
---- 1233 - Diablo 3
---- 1234 - Dead Space
---- 1235 - Cold Waters
---- 1236 - Wonder Boy - The Dragon's Trap
---- 1237 - Red Orchestra - Ostfront 41-45
---- 1238 - Crysis
---- 1239 - Binary Domain
---- 1240 - Dishonored
---- 1241 - Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
---- 1242 - Serious Sam's Bogus Detour
---- 1243 - Mass Effect 3
---- 1244 - Battlefield - Bad Company 2
---- 1245 - Crysis 2
---- 1246 - Cattch
---- 1247 - Shark Attack
---- 1249 - GOG Galaxy (DXVK)
---- 1250 - Gwent
---- 1251 - Jewel Quest 3
---- 1252 - Sudden Strike Gold
---- 1253 - Sudden Strike 2 - Resource War
---- 1254 - Bigfoot 4x4 Challenge
---- 1255 - Sudden Strike 3 - The Last Stand
---- 1256 - Sudden Strike 3 - Arms for Victory
---- 1257 - Scribblenauts Unlimited
---- 1258 - Giants - Citizen Kabuto
---- 1259 - Panzer General 3D Assault
---- 1260 - Ropeway Simulator 2014
---- 1261 - StarCraft
---- 1262 - Krush Kill 'N Destroy Extreme
---- 1263 - Krush Kill 'N Destroy 2 - Krossfire
---- 1264 - Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb
---- 1265 - Might and Magic 7
---- 1266 - Might and Magic 8
---- 1267 - Dragon Age Origins
---- 1268 - Quake IV
---- 1269 - Dragon's Dogma - Dark Arisen
---- 1270 - The Legend of Heroes - Trails in the Sky SC
---- 1271 - The Legend of Heroes - Trails in the Sky the 3rd
---- 1273 - Ys The Oath in Felghana
---- 1274 - Blitzkrieg
---- 1275 - Blitzkrieg BHRT Expansions
---- 1276 - LEGO Batman 2
---- 1277 - Rainbow Six 3 Gold
---- 1278 - Spintires
---- 1279 - Bunch of Heroes
---- 1280 - Comanche 4
---- 1281 - Warhammer 40k Space Marine
---- 1282 - Star Wars - Rogue Squadron 3D
---- 1283 - Nancy Drew - The Final Scene
---- 1284 - Might and Magic 3
---- 1285 - Might and Magic 2
---- 1286 - Might and Magic 6
---- 1287 - Might and Magic 4 + 5
---- 1288 - Netstorm - Islands at War
---- 1289 - YS Seven
---- 1290 - Cuphead - Don't Deal With The devil
---- 1291 - Blitzkrieg 2 - Liberation
---- 1292 - Blitzkrieg 2 - Fall of the Reich
---- 1293 - Mafia Classic
---- 1294 - Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
---- 1295 - Space Colony HD
---- 1296 - Nox
---- 1297 - Furi
---- 1298 - Mob Rule Classic
---- 1299 - Lords of the Realm
---- 1300 - Lords of the Realm 2
---- 1301 - Victoria Complete
---- 1302 - Sengoku
---- 1303 - The Wolf Among Us
---- 1304 - Pacific General
---- 1305 - Grim Dawn
---- 1307 - Speed Busters
---- 1308 - Warlords Battlecry 2
---- 1309 - Crysis Warhead
---- 1310 - Still Life
---- 1311 - Sniper Elite - Berlin 1945
---- 1312 - Hearts of Iron 2
---- 1313 - Hearts of Iron 2 - Doomsday
---- 1314 - Jack Orlando
---- 1315 - Conqueror AD 1086
---- 1316 - The Guest
---- 1317 - Undertale
---- 1318 - Crime Cities
---- 1319 - Brothers in Arms Trilogy
---- 1320 - Rise of the Dragon
---- 1321 - Jazz Jackrabbit 2
---- 1322 - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Christmas Chron.
---- 1323 - Journey to the Center of the Earth
---- 1324 - Zack Mckracken Remake
---- 1325 - Cedric and the Revolution
---- 1326 - Gorogoa
---- 1327 - Space Invaders
---- 1328 - Hidden and Dangerous
---- 1329 - Legacy of Kain Defiance
---- 1330 - Carmageddon TDR2K
---- 1333 - Spintires: MudRunner
---- 1334 - BlueMSX
---- 1335 - Treasure Adventure World
---- 1336 - Nantucket
---- 1337 - Warhammer 40k Armageddon - Da Orcs
---- 1338 - Ship Simulator 2006
---- 1339 - 1914 - Shells of Fury
---- 1340 - Wings of Honour- Red Baron
---- 1341 - Split Second Velocity
---- 1342 - Contrast
---- 1343 - Heroes of Hammerwatch
---- 1344 - Airline Tycoon 2
---- 1345 - LEGO Indiana Jones 2
---- 1346 - LEGO Indiana Jones
---- 1347 - LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean
---- 1348 - Maniac Mansion
---- 1349 - Monkey Island SE
---- 1350 - Battlefield Heroes
---- 1351 - 15 Days
---- 1352 - Sanitarium
---- 1353 - Robin Hood - Legend of Sherwood
---- 1354 - Master of Orion 3
---- 1355 - Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
---- 1356 - Sim Tower
---- 1357 - Field of Glory 2
---- 1358 - Panzer Corps
---- 1359 - Borderlands
---- 1360 - Milanoir
---- 1361 - Star Wars JK - Dark Forces 2 MOTS
---- 1362 - Sine Mora Ex
---- 1363 - Legends of Eisenwald
---- 1364 - The Mystery of the Druids
---- 1365 - Myst III - Exile
---- 1366 - Myst IV - Revelation
---- 1367 - Metal Fatigue
---- 1368 - Hegemony Gold
---- 1369 - Caveblazers
---- 1370 - Dragons Lair Trilogy
---- 1371 - Ember
---- 1372 - The Guild Gold
---- 1373 - Darksiders (Legacy)
---- 1374 - The King of Fighters 98
---- 1375 - Zombie Shooter
---- 1376 - Zombie Shooter 2
---- 1377 - Might and Magic 9
---- 1378 - Indiana Jones - Infernal Machine
---- 1379 - Soldier of Fortune 2 - Double Helix
---- 1380 - Soldier of Fortune - Payback
---- 1381 - Army Men - World War
---- 1382 - Brothers in Arms - Road to Hill 30
---- 1383 - Brothers in Arms - Earned in Blood
---- 1384 - Brothers in Arms - Hell's Highway
---- 1385 - Strategic Command Classic WWII
---- 1386 - Bioshock Classic
---- 1387 - Settlers 6 - Rise of an Empire
---- 1388 - Warcraft II
---- 1389 - Fight n Rage
---- 1390 - Men of War Assault Squad 2
---- 1391 - Hard Truck 2 King of the Road
---- 1392 - Forager
---- 1393 - Drive on Moscow
---- 1394 - Disney's Hercules
---- 1395 - Parkan 2
---- 1396 - SWINE HD Remaster
---- 1397 - Gobliiins
---- 1398 - Gobliins 2 - The Prince Buffoon
---- 1399 - Goblins Quest 3
---- 1401 - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
---- 1402 - Stronghold Crusader HD
---- 1403 - Back to the Future V - Fan game
---- 1404 - Back to the Future IV - Fan Game
---- 1405 - Back to the Future III - Fan Game
---- 1406 - Dark Devotion
---- 1407 - Sherlock Holmes - Hound Baskervilles
---- 1408 - XIII
---- 1409 - Secret Files - Sam Peters
---- 1410 - Space Robinson
---- 1411 - Valfaris
---- 1412 - Warhammer 40k - Fire Warrior
---- 1413 - 7th Guest 25th Anniversary Edition
---- 1414 - Jack Keane
---- 1415 - Jack Keane 2
---- 1416 - Heart of China
---- 1417 - Descent 3
---- 1418 - Act of War - Direct Action
---- 1419 - Capitalism 2
---- 1420 - Low Magic Age
---- 1421 - Powerslide
---- 1422 - Cossacks 2 - Napoleonic Wars
---- 1423 - Cossacks 2 - Battle for Europe
---- 1424 - Dark Reign 2
---- 1425 - Robinsons Requiem
---- 1426 - Lighthouse - The Dark Being
---- 1427 - Hostile Waters
---- 1428 - Pizza Connection 2
---- 1429 - Jagged Alliance 2 - Unf. Business
---- 1430 - Wuppo
---- 1431 - Parkan - Iron Strategy
---- 1432 - Close Combat Panthers In The Fog
---- 1433 - Close Combat Gateway to Caen
---- 1434 - Submarine Titans
---- 1435 - Pathologic HD
---- 1436 - Age of Mythology HD
---- 1437 - Jagged Alliance 2 - Wildfire
---- 1438 - Hexplore
---- 1439 - Din's Legacy
---- 1440 - Arabian Nights
---- 1441 - Reventure
---- 1442 - Stranglehold
---- 1443 - Of Orcs And Men
---- 1444 - Smart City Plan
---- 1445 - Impossible Creatures
---- 1446 - Armored Brigade
---- 1447 - Mortal Combat 4
---- 1448 - Symmetry
---- 1449 - Venetica
---- 1450 - Rise of Nations Extended Edition
---- 1451 - Rome Total War
---- 1452 - Sid Meier's Civilization IV Complete
---- 1453 - Torchlight 2
---- 1454 - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
---- 1455 - Primordia
---- 1456 - Gemini Rue
---- 1457 - Resonance
---- 1458 - Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
---- 1459 - Another World 20th Anniversary
---- 1460 - Steambuild 64bit
---- 1461 - Tropico 4
---- 1462 - Cities in Motion
---- 1463 - Star Wars Jedi Knight JA
---- 1464 - Star Wars Jedi Knight II JO
---- 1465 - Star Trek 25th Anniversary
---- 1466 - Kathy Rain
---- 1467 - Simon the Sorcerer 25th Anniversary
---- 1468 - Simon the Sorcerer 2 - 25th Anniversary
---- 1470 - Soldier of Fortune Platinum
---- 1471 - Broken Age
---- 1472 - Zenith
---- 1473 - A Golden Wake
---- 1474 - Return to Mysterious Island
---- 1475 - The Saboteur
---- 1476 - Shadowrun Returns
---- 1477 - Smugglers V
---- 1478 - Still Life 2
---- 1479 - Rise of the Triad Dark War
---- 1480 - Knightshift
---- 1481 - Star Wars - Battlefront
---- 1482 - Star Wars - KotOR
---- 1483 - Star Wars - The Force Unleashed 2
---- 1484 - Sir You Are Being Hunted
---- 1485 - Moebius
---- 1486 - Runaway - A Road Adventure
---- 1487 - The Book of Unwritten Tales
---- 1488 - Doomdarks Revenge
---- 1489 - Dog Mendonca and Pizzaboy
---- 1490 - Shadowrun Dragonfall
---- 1491 - SimCity 4 Deluxe
---- 1492 - Journey of a Roach
---- 1493 - Close Combat Wacht am Rhein
---- 1494 - Arma Gold
---- 1495 - Dungeon Siege
---- 1496 - Dungeon Siege 2
---- 1497 - Dungeon Siege 3
---- 1499 - Broken Sword Directors Cut
---- 1500 - Little Inferno
---- 1501 - Tales of Monkey Island
---- 1502 - Tex Murphy - Under a Killing Moon
---- 1503 - Command HQ
---- 1504 - Eschalon book 2
---- 1505 - Ultima 9 - Ascension
---- 1506 - Divine Divinity
---- 1507 - Metal Gear (MSX2)
---- 1508 - Konami - Castlevania & Contra
---- 1509 - Among Us
---- 1517 - Wasteland
---- 1518 - Super Huey III
---- 1519 - Blades of Time
---- 1520 - The Bard's Tale
---- 1521 - The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
---- 1522 - Spec Ops The Line
---- 1523 - There is no game - Wrong Dimension
---- 1524 - Sacred 2
---- 1525 - Ankh 2 - Heart of Osiris
---- 1526 - Ankh 3 - Battle of the Gods
---- 1527 - Ground Control Anthology
---- 1528 - Cardpocalypse
---- 1529 - Hotline Miami
---- 1530 - Lord of the Realms 3
---- 1531 - Challenge of the Five Realms
---- 1532 - Life is Strange
---- 1533 - Runaway 2 - Dream of the Turtle
---- 1535 - Gemcraft - Frostborn Wrath
---- 1536 - Alien Earth
---- 1537 - Ground Control 2
---- 1538 - Drakensang - The Dark Eye
---- 1539 - Homefront
---- 1540 - Close Combat The Longest Day
---- 1541 - Close Combat Cross of Iron
---- 1542 - Metro Last Light Redux
---- 1543 - My Memory of Us
---- 1545 - Age of Empires 2 - Definitive Ed.
---- 1546 - Age of Empires 3 - Definitive Ed.
---- 1547 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
---- 1548 - Freedom Fighters
---- 1549 - Hitman - Absolution
---- 1550 - Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophesy)
---- 1551 - Neighbours Back From Hell
---- 1552 - Kings Bounty - Dark Side
---- 1553 - Metro 2033 Redux
---- 1554 - Way of the Samurai 4
---- 1555 - The Surge
---- 1556 - Help Will Come Tomorrow
---- 1557 - Oriental Empires
---- 1558 - The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim SE
---- 1559 - Commander Keen Pack
---- 1560 - Carcassonne Tiles and Tactics
---- 1561 - 18 WOS Convoy
---- 1562 - 18 WOS Across America
---- 1563 - Nebuchadnezzar
---- 1564 - Trine Enhanced
---- 1565 - Stronghold Warlords
---- 1753 - Portal
---- 1739 - Expeditions Rome
---- 1644 - Warriors of the Nile
---- 1609 - YS IX Monstrum Nox
---- 1621 - Archvale
---- 1620 - Star Trek - Armada 2
---- 1618 - Gun Metal
---- 1615 - Ancient Enemy
---- 1614 - Guild of Darksteel
---- 1613 - Anstoss 3 der Fuballmanager
---- 1612 - Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force
---- 1606 - Stronghold 2
---- 1601 - Hearts of Iron 3
---- 1597 - Batman Arkham Asylum
---- 1109 - Street Racing Syndicate
---- 1619 - Star Trek - Hidden Evil
---- 1616 - Hover!
---- 1611 - Star Trek - Elite Force II
---- 1610 - Star Trek - Bridge Commander
---- 1608 - Patron
---- 1607 - Highrisers
---- 1605 - Red Faction Armageddon
---- 1604 - Tomb Raider Underworld
---- 1603 - Tomb Raider Anniversary
---- 1602 - Fallout 4 GOTY
---- 1600 - Batman Arham City
---- 1599 - Batman Arkham Origins
---- 1597 - Batman Arkham Asylum
---- 1755 - C&C Remastered Collection
---- 1642 - FIFA 13
---- 1568 - Constructor Classic 1997
---- 1569 - Unto The End
---- 1570 - Travelers Rest
---- 1571 - Disney Aladdin, Jungle Book & Lion King
---- 1572 - Retro City Rampage DX
---- 1573 - Else Heart.Break
---- 1574 - Steambuild 32/64bit DXVK
---- 1575 - The Sexy Brutale
---- 1576 - The Escapists 2
---- 1577 - Runestone Keeper
---- 1578 - Ocean's Heart
---- 1579 - Narita Boy
---- 1580 - Patrician IV Gold
---- 1581 - Imperium Romanum
---- 1582 - The First Templar SE
---- 1583 - Omerta City of Gangsters
---- 1584 - LEGO Star Wars - The Clone Wars
---- 1585 - Enemy Front
---- 1586 - Arsenal of Democracy
---- 1590 - Warhammer 40k Rites of War
---- 1589 - IGI 2 Covertstrike
---- 1591 - Shadowrun Hong Kong
---- 1592 - Strategic Command World War I
---- 1593 - Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy
---- 1594 - Lost Chronicles of Zerzura
---- 1595 - Deus Ex - Human Revolution DC
---- 1596 - Grand Theft Auto IV
---- 1622 - Hotel Giant
---- 1627 - Shadow Madness
---- 1629 - Ubisoft Connect
---- 1630 - STALKER Anomaly
---- 1628 - Age of Empires - Definitive Ed.
---- 1631 - Trackmania 2020
---- 1635 - Ankh Anniversary Edition
---- 1632 - Heros Hour
---- 1633 - Batman - The Teltales Series
---- 1634 - Beyond Divinity
---- 1636 - Worms Crazy Golf
---- 1637 - People General
---- 1640 - Prince of Qin
---- 1638 - Sinking Island
---- 1639 - Return to Mysterious Island 2
---- 1641 - Notepad++
---- 1646 - Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
---- 1643 - Mortal Combat Trilogy
---- 1645 - Doom 64
---- 1648 - Overcooked! 2
---- 1647 - Dink Smallwood HD
---- 1649 - Beholder 3
---- 1652 - 198x
---- 1650 - City of Gangsters
---- 1662 - Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic
---- 1651 - Karawan
---- 1653 - Half Life
---- 1655 - Alien Breed 3 - Descent
---- 1657 - Alien Breed - Impact
---- 1654 - Schein
---- 1656 - A Plague Tale Innocence
---- 1658 - Alien Breed 2 - Assault
---- 1659 - Prince of Persia Two Thrones
---- 1660 - Iron Storm
---- 1661 - Prince of Persia
---- 1663 - Anno 1404 History Edition
---- 1678 - Gwent Rogue Mage
---- 1663 - Anno 1404 History Edition
---- 1665 - Anno History Collection
---- 1666 - Doom 3 - BFG
---- 1669 - Doom 3
---- 1668 - Atlantis - The Lost Tales
---- 1667 - Z test
---- 1670 - Atlantic Fleet
---- 1671 - Warhammer 40k Dawn of War - Winter Assault
---- 1672 - Warhammer 40k Dawn of War - Dark Crusade
---- 1680 - Beyond a Steel Sky
---- 1674 - Machinika Museum
---- 1673 - Freight Tycoon Inc.
---- 1676 - Sid Meier's Civilization V
---- 1675 - Terra Nil
---- 1677 - Grand Theft Auto V
---- 1681 - Blade Runner Enhanced
---- 1684 - Winamp
---- 1682 - Disciples Liberation
---- 1679 - Noita
---- 1683 - Deathtrap
---- 1685 - Helium Rain
---- 1687 - LOTR Online
---- 1686 - Wasteland Remastered
---- 1687 - The Lord of the Rings Online
---- 1689 - Greak Memories of Azur
---- 1691 - MDK
---- 1690 - Mafia Definitive Edition
---- 1692 - Mafia III Definitive Edition
---- 1694 - METAL SLUG
---- 1693 - The Bureau - Xcom Declassified
---- 1696 - METAL SLUG X
---- 1695 - METAL SLUG 3
---- 1698 - Codename Panzers - Phase 2
---- 1697 - METAL SLUG 2
---- 1702 - Thronebreaker - The Witcher Tales
---- 1713 - Kingdom Come - Deliverance
---- 1699 - Desperados III
---- 1700 - Age of Wonders 4
---- 1701 - Pharaoh - A New Era
---- 1703 - Planet of Lana
---- 1704 - Wartales
---- 1705 - The Solus Project
---- 1706 - Unmetal
---- 1707 - Tesla Effect - A Tex Murphy Game
---- 1708 - XCOM 2
---- 371 - Knights of Honor
---- 1722 - Yaga
---- 1710 - Urbek City Builder
---- 1711 - Jagged Aliance 3
---- 1712 - Agatha Christie - Murder on Orient Express
---- 1714 - Kings Bounty II
---- 1717 - Trine 4 - Nightmare Prince
---- 1715 - Deliver Us The Moon
---- 1716 - RIME
---- 1718 - Prey
---- 1724 - Trine 2 - Complete Story
---- 1719 - Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
---- 1720 - Expendable
---- 1721 - Partisans 1941 Extended Edition
---- 1723 - System Shock (2023)
---- 1725 - Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power
---- 1726 - Magrunner Dark Pulse
---- 1727 - Control Ultimate Edition
---- 1728 - Homeworld Deserts of Kharak
---- 1731 - Endzone A World Apart
---- 1729 - Outcast - Second Contact
---- 1730 - Jet Kave Adventure
---- 1732 - Spycraft - The Great Game
---- 1733 - Curse - The Eye of isis
---- 1734 - Siege of Avalon Anthology
---- 1735 - INSOMNIA - The Ark
---- 1737 - X-Morph: Defense Complete Edition
---- 1745 - GreedFall
---- 1738 - Shadow Gambit The Cursed Crew
---- 1741 - Sea Legends
---- 1740 - The Forgotten City
---- 1747 - Lacuna A Sci Fi Noir Adventure
---- 1742 - Raji An Ancient Epic
---- 1743 - Sable
---- 1744 - LEGO Batman 3
---- 1746 - Miasma Chronicles
---- 1748 - Two Worlds Epic Edition
---- 1749 - Styx Shards of Darkness
---- 1750 - Draugen
---- 1751 - Knights of Honor 2
---- 1752 - Everhood
---- 1754 - Portal 2
---- 1756 - DorfRomantik
---- 1757 - D-Fend Reloaded
---- 1758 - Tomb Raider I-II-III Remastered
---- 1759 - Diplomacy is Not an Option
---- 1761 - Railgrade
---- 1760 - Medieval Dynasty
---- 1764 - Nomads of Driftland
---- 1763 - Two Point Hospital
---- 1765 - C&C 4 Twilight
---- 1762 - South of the Circle
---- 1766 - Irfanview
---- 1767 - Battlenet
---- 1770 - Metal Gear & Metal Gear 2
---- 1768 - Diablo IV
---- 1769 - Diablo 2 - Resurrected
---- 1789 - RC Cars
---- 1786 - Alien Isolation
---- 1787 - Once Upon A Jester
---- 1788 - Lords of the Fallen
---- 1771 - Konung 3 - Ties of the Dynasty
---- 1772 - South Park - Snow Day
---- 1774 - Alone in the Dark (2024)
---- 1778 - Land of the Vikings
---- 1773 - Frozenheim
---- 1775 - The Sinking City
---- 1776 - Sovereign Syndicate
---- 1776 - Sovereign Syndicate
---- 1779 - Monolith
---- 1780 - Colony Ship - A Post-Earth RPG
---- 1781 - The Invincible
---- 1782 - Last Train Home
---- 1783 - Manor Lords
---- 1784 - Kenshi
---- 1785 - Hardspace Shipbreaker
---- 1792 - EA App (DXVK)
---- 1790 - Oceanhorn - Monster of Uncharted Seas
---- 1791 - Tintin Reporter - Cigars of the Pharaoh
---- 1794 - Mr. Prepper
---- 1793 - Construction Simulator 2
---- 1797 - Chicken Assassin Reloaded
---- 1795 - Anomaly - Warzone Earth
---- 1796 - Between Horizons
---- 1798 - Grip
---- 1799 - Holdfast - Nations at War
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