Porting Kit 5.0.8 (10/03/2022):
- Debug menu option should be enabled when available
- Adding error message in case Master Wrapper downloaded file is incorrect
- Adding more info to right click menu error
- Workaround to avoid issues with flags with unknown characters
Porting Kit 5.0.7 (08/03/2022):
- App icon should be recovered dinamically when adding it to the local library, so the process is faster
- Minor improvement when creating WSI for existing port
- Fixing Typescript minor warning
Porting Kit 5.0.6 (02/03/2022):
- Exceptions in all windows should be captured
- Trying to fix an issue in the Startup window
Porting Kit 5.0.5 (28/02/2022):
- Wine ports should launch EXEs properly
Porting Kit 5.0.4 (22/02/2022):
- Custom ports should be created properly again
- Avoiding "'type' from undefined" error
Porting Kit 5.0.3 (21/02/2022):
- Custom ports should have icons in the local library
- Updating Electron and some related dependencies
Porting Kit 5.0.2 (19/02/2022):
- PK crash logs should now be easier to debug
- setProperties should be able to run in a port where the engine cannot be defined
- Improving Desktop file parse
- Minor improvement when running apps
- It should be possible to launch native apps from PK again
- Organizing icon related functions
- Sidebar now can be minified with a new button
- Adding support to force light mode
- Minor improvements in the code
- Fixes on the DOSBox installation
- Improved Linux support to the installer window
- Improving support for DOSBox wrappers
- Improvements in the context menu functions
- Minor improvement in Preferences window
Porting Kit 5.0.1 (14/02/2022):
- Advanced installation tab should replace engine properly in case the WSI has only one setEngine step
Porting Kit 5.0.0 (10/02/2022):
- It should be possible to save the same port multiple times in the Developer tab
- Rephrased some sentences so it suits any system
- Properties window should work properly
- Adding www to the requests, to avoid issues with CloudFlare
- Refactoring the Porting Kit from Javascript to Typescript
- Multiple bug fixes and improvements
Porting Kit 4.3.0 (23/12/2021):
Porting Kit 4.3.0 (23/12/2021):
- Advances towards making PK Linux compatible
- Trying to avoid an undefined model in macOS
- MoltenVK versions other than 1.1.6 should be handled correctly in the experimental branch
- Organizing Wine/Wineskin naming
- Adding a default scrollbar to PK
- If an engine has no MD5 in the server, it should still be used in case it's downloaded
Porting Kit 4.2.44 (16/12/2021):
- If an app is being installed in a removable device, its creation should happen completely inside that device
- Adding warning in case CD port is being installed with no disc inserted
- Now it's possible to add the sourceId of a port in its flags with ${sourceId}
- Cancel button now closes the installation window, to avoid further operations
- If the installation is cancelled, the next step shouldn't start
- Adding source ID field to Developer tab
Porting Kit 4.2.43 (09/12/2021):
- Adding keyboard shortcut to Kill All Wineskin Processes
- "Uninstall Porting Kit" menu option should also remove the Porting Kit app
- DOSBox master wrapper should be downloaded properly
Porting Kit 4.2.42 (18/11/2021):
- install_mono and install_gecko processes should be killed during wine prefix creations
- Fixing installation notification
- When bringing the installer window to front, PK shouldn't fail the installation if it fails to find the window
- Added option to uninstall the Porting Kit (incomplete)
- After the cache is cleared, the default library should be loaded normally
Porting Kit 4.2.41 (12/11/2021):
- Engines should be downloadable by dependencies
- Download timeout should now work properly, instead of causing trouble with running downloads
Porting Kit 4.2.40 (01/11/2021):
- Adding first version of the properties window
- Adding validator to addApplication field
- Minor change in the wrapper text update
- When an app is added to the local library, no info should be missing
- DXVK install function minor refactor
Porting Kit 4.2.39 (15/10/2021):
- Adding measure to avoid infinite crash log
- New dev utility
- It's now possible to remove an icon while editing a WSI file
- Adding validator to WSI editor that checks if the path variable from a download step has a valid value
- Requirements list should show the correct name of a file that needs to be downloaded
- All errors during an installation should go to the installation log
- If PK fails to detach the XQuartz installer image, the installation shouldn't fail
- If PK fails to list the runnable files, the installation shouldn't fail
- Uncompression error messages should be easier to read
- Small refactor
- Avoiding ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE error
- Added support to paths with relative drives
- Updating installation step label when updating main and custom EXEs
Porting Kit 4.2.38 (09/10/2021):
- Removing EXE file location restriction
- When adding a new source to a server app, it's now possible to select a local app
- Removing forceAutomaticWindows support
- When replacing engines, WSS-InstallICE and WSS-wineboot should be executed
- Adding WebArchive download URL for winetricks
Porting Kit 4.2.37 (07/10/2021):
- CD games should have their installers automatically detected
- Description URLs should work again
- Flags with character 00 should be considered invalid
Porting Kit 4.2.36 (01/10/2021):
- Reducing the size of Porting Kit builds
Porting Kit 4.2.35 (01/10/2021):
- If the osascript required to list running applications is not available, PK shouldn't crash
- Paths that have characters invalid for Windows shouldn't be suggested
- Improving exception message of crash logs
- Adjusts in the run method of DOSBox games
Porting Kit 4.2.34 (29/09/2021):
- Apps and Desktop icons should appear properly in startup window
- Now, if the user tries to grant PK permission to access the Downloads folder, after denying in the past, the System Preferences window should appear
- Small refactors
Porting Kit 4.2.33 (25/09/2021):
Porting Kit 4.2.32 (25/09/2021):
- Adding extra warning in case the user doesn't want give access to the Downloads folder
- Major refactor to make the transition from Electron to NW.js easier
Porting Kit 4.2.31 (25/09/2021):
- If something goes wrong when listing an app from the local library, PK should still show the other apps, and load the server apps normally
- Errors when downloading winetricks should be more specific
- Download error messages should be more specific
Porting Kit 4.2.30 (25/09/2021):
Porting Kit 4.2.29 (19/09/2021):
- Workaround to fix the description bug
Porting Kit 4.2.28 (19/09/2021):
- Default timeout reduced to 10 seconds
Porting Kit 4.2.27 (19/09/2021):
- Downloads should have a 30 second timeout in case nothing is downloaded
Porting Kit 4.2.25 (19/09/2021):
- Changing experimental release system
- Winetricks download should always work properly
- If Desktop access is removed after it was granted, PK should still work
Porting Kit 4.2.25 (19/09/2021):
- Changing experimental release system
- Winetricks download should always work properly
- If Desktop access is removed after it was granted, PK should still work
Porting Kit 4.2.24 (16/09/2021):
- Local apps should only store the relevant data
- Trying to identify bug "Cannot read property 'type' of undefined"
- If the master wrapper fails to download, PK should wait 3 seconds until it tries again
- macOS hidden files shouldn't be suggested when creating new ports
- Added option to terminate native apps
- Adding workaround to the description editor to avoid issues with the underline button
- Steam wrappers should be identified accordingly when adding new ports to the server
- Adding default description to new server apps
Porting Kit 4.2.23 (13/09/2021):
- Description editor now should work properly
Porting Kit 4.2.22 (12/09/2021):
- WSI1 files should be loaded from the server properly
- Custom properties should never be undefined
- Fixing description update system
Porting Kit 4.2.21 (10/09/2021):
- All installers should be runnable when creating a port
- Adding option to enable esync in WSI files
- If the destination path is invalid, the user shouldn't be able to proceed
- Starting to add support for parental controls
- Starting to add support for Riping the Windows partition of CD/DVD discs
- Added button to edit description of local apps
- When creating custom ports in experimental mode, the user should be able to select between installing with standard options, or with advanced options, using the WSI editor
- When exporting WSI files, the user should be able to edit the WSI file
Porting Kit 4.2.20 (05/09/2021):
- News and Community tabs should preserve if the user is logged in
- When installing a port in experimental mode, the installation window should be labeled as such
- Refactoring the way to add new server ports
Porting Kit 4.2.19 (29/08/2021):
- It is now possible to select WSI files when adding local apps
- Coffee Lake processors should be considered Intel vendor processors
- Minor fixes and improvements in the video card support
- Fix in video card sorting
- Adjusts in some of the alert messages
- Method that gives the option kill port processes before starting another port should work as expected
- If Wine processes are running when you launch a Wineskin port, PK should show a warning
- Fixing 'Invalid use of getWineskinVersion function' error
- Adjusting FAQ question
- If 'no such component JavaScript' bug happens, and a new exception occurs later, the new exception shouldn't be lost
- Fixing error when pressing unknown option after right clicking a local port
- If PK fails to set an application icon, the installation shouldn't fail
Porting Kit 4.2.18 (13/08/2021):
- PK now requires 200Mb of free space to install a new port
- PK should have a backup of the winetricks file inside of it
Porting Kit 4.2.17 (10/08/2021):
- If the user video card device ID is undefined, PK shouldn't stop the installation
Porting Kit 4.2.16 (10/08/2021):
- Forum registration should work in the Community tab
- View forum page should open in community tab
Porting Kit 4.2.15 (07/08/2021):
- Community tab should point to the new forum
- Added button that directs user to the forum page of a specific app
- If the user tries to vote, and he/she isn't logged in, the login window should appear
- Improving error messages in case of WSI download failure
- Processor item in ratings should be more understandable
- WSI downloads should be retried up to three times in case they fail to download
- Adding workaround to avoid issues with huge debug logs
- Video card info should be set properly in new ports
- Initial advanced support for video cards
- Adding Rating area functional
- If an engine installation fail, PK should try to retry up to three times
- Adding user login, for forum users
Porting Kit 4.2.14 (01/08/2021):
- Processes terminated unexpectedly shouldn't make the installation fail
- RAR files should be extracted properly
Porting Kit 4.2.13 (31/07/2021):
- When installing winetricks, the com.apple.quarantine bug should not happen
- RAR files should be extracted properly
- Adding warning to the installation of XQuartz
Porting Kit 4.2.12 (28/07/2021):
- Disabling the use of Inno extract by default
- In Developer tab, macOS version filter should be more readable
- Improving error management with CrossOver URLs and with 'no space left of device' errors
Porting Kit 4.2.11 (22/07/2021):
- DXVK and engine versions should be stored in a separate location inside the port
- LNK files inside ports should also be checked when looking for main EXE when creating custom ports
Porting Kit 4.2.10 (19/07/2021):
- directx9 should install properly now
Porting Kit 4.2.9 (13/07/2021):
- If an official URL exists for the engine in a WSI file, it should be used instead
Porting Kit 4.2.8 (09/07/2021):
- XQuartz should only be installed properly, and only if needed
Porting Kit 4.2.7 (07/07/2021):
- Experimental branch should also be downloaded from Github repo
- Updater window should show the version correctly
Porting Kit 4.2.6 (06/07/2021):
- Release should happen in Github
- When installing a DLC, if no compatible port is detected, PK should say the name of the port that needs to be installed, and shouldn't allow the user to proceed unless it's selected
- Porting Kit should not launch in macOS 10.11 and 10.12
- Fixing error when launching build that requires update in a folder other than /Applications
- Search bar placeholders replaced
Porting Kit 4.2.5 (04/07/2021):
- All YouTube players should work properly
- .desktop and .lnk files should be removed from the desktop when a game is installed
- Users should not be able to save ports in folders they have no permission to write
- Removing period from error messages
- Drivers should only be installed if the user system is compatible with them
- User induced errors should be handled differently in analytics
- Cancel button shouldn't be usable after the installation is completed
Porting Kit 4.2.4 (03/07/2021):
- WSI2 should not include drives with paths started with /Volume/ and /dev/
- Mac Driver should be identified properly in ports
- Drives should not be included if the path starts with /Volume/ or /dev/
- DXVK should install normally again
- Adding Alt and Ctrl mapping support
- Minor refactor in window support in updater window
- It should be possible to replace the engine in a port that already has one
- If a file fail to download unexpectedly, the error should still be caught
Porting Kit 4.2.2 (30/06/2021):
- Now it's possible to filter troubleshooting apps and sources in the developer tab
- Some of the errors now should not produce an analytics error report
- Some refactors to create interfaces for NodeJS and Electron functions
- Removing quotes from 'Port creation cancelled.'
- Minor improvements in app trailers
- PK should ask to restart after switching the experimental checkbox
- Adding category-based search in the library
- Now it's possible to edit app category in the developer tab
Porting Kit 4.2.0 (19/06/2021):
- Adding notification when the update starts being downloaded
- Crash Logs should have a more proper title to be separated
- Save dialog improved
- Crash Logs now can be parsed back into readable code by devs
- Added update window
Porting Kit 4.1.54 (16/06/2021):
- Windows version for specific EXE should be properly applied
- Crash logs now should be sent to devs by mail if the user allows analytics
Porting Kit 4.1.53 (11/06/2021):
- Dependencies should be installed after the last overrides in WSI and WSI2 files
- Adding default registries when creating WSI3 files from ports
- Startup apps in wrappers should be removed after installing dependencies as well
- If packageMd5 is not included in the config, PK should not fail to install a port
- Download WSI option in server ports should only be available in the experimental mode
- WSI3 files now can be exported in the experimental mode
Porting Kit 4.1.52 (10/06/2021):
Porting Kit 4.1.51 (10/06/2021):
- Fixing toLowerCase() issue
Porting Kit 4.1.50 (09/06/2021):
- Adding Workaround to make Wineskin work on case sensitive file systems
- When PK tries to fit an ambiguous path with the possibilities, it should only consider exact matches
- Port type should be detected properly in case sensitive systems
Porting Kit 4.1.49 (09/06/2021):
- Wineskin ports should be able to be created in case sensitive systems
- If a window object is destroyed, it should count as closed
Porting Kit 4.1.48 (07/06/2021):
- Ports should be created properly again
- Wineskin Master wrapper should be validated with an MD5
- MD5 and SHA256 validation for downloads should be case insensitive
Porting Kit 4.1.47 (07/06/2021):
- Trying to fix the ZIP build
- Master wrapper should be copied in a different way
- setDrivers step should work when added to an existing port
- Fixing 'force wrapper quartz-vm' bug
- In case of download failure, downloads should also be retried
- Downloads should have a retry system in case it doesn't match the hash
- Adjust 'Go back' button position
- Updating CrossOver links
Porting Kit 4.1.45 (04/06/2021):
- Custom port name dialog should work properly
- "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" fixed
- Developer should be able to add server ports based in local ports
- Removing variable default value
Porting Kit 4.1.44 (04/06/2021):
- Developer login should not be requested on startup
Porting Kit 4.1.43 (03/06/2021):
- Wine prefix should not be recreated when installing DLC with a different engine
Porting Kit 4.1.42 (02/06/2021):
- Fixing broken encoding in some descriptions
- Links shouldn't be removed from descriptions
Porting Kit 4.1.41 (02/06/2021):
Porting Kit 4.1.40 (02/06/2021):
- Updating the use of the API to include WSI3 ports
- Fixing broken descriptions automatically
- App description should be minified so it can be edited
- Developer login should happen automatically on startup
- Uncompression error message improved
- PK shouldn't cache its local files
- Only proper compatible configs should be loaded
- Adding Developer tab
Porting Kit 4.1.36 (27/05/2021):
- Save dialogs should work properly again
- clearStartupApps should be executed at the end of each run step only
- Improving DXVK incompatibility error message
- Improving the way to handle Windows paths when downloading a file inside a port
- .msi files now should be selectable when creating custom ports
- Minor fixes and changes
- A DXVK version should only be considered valid if it's a string with more than 2 characters
- Improved location of the 'No space left on device' error message
- Error messages should never appear inside quotes
Porting Kit 4.1.35 (16/05/2021):
- Workaround to avoid 'osascript: no such component "JavaScript"' error
- Debug logs and Open Drive options should work properly
Porting Kit 4.1.34 (14/05/2021):
- If PK fails to list the files inside a folder when listing runnable files, it should just ignore that folder
- If something goes wrong when solving aliases, PK shouldn't crash
Porting Kit 4.1.33 (11/05/2021):
- Increased wine prefix time from 2 min to 3 min
- Improvements when running commands
- Improving some analytics events
- Implementation Donation tab
- Updating Electron, which do some fixes
- Removing Sentry
- Rankings tab should work properly now
Porting Kit 4.1.32 (07/05/2021):
- Removing some analytics events, and adding some new ones
- Needed installer error message updated
- Command responses should be parsed with the correct encoding
- Minor fixes to avoid unexpected exceptions
- Some funcional refactors
- Improving video card and processor detection
- If PK doesn't have access to some folder, it should still work properly
- Fixing error "Cannot read property 'requiredSoftware' of undefined"
- main-exe-not-found analytics event should only be sent if a new path is selected
- Even if there is no space left in disk, 'Show Console Logs' should work
- If something goes wrong when saving log files, PK installation shouldn't fail
- 'No space' error messages standarised to 'No space left on device'
- Winetrick gdiplus_winxp should be removed from all GOG CX ports
- Inverting Yes and No in the remove port dialog
- Folder permission view in Startup window combined in a single view
- Adding extra info to the 'Disable Hardware Acceleration' checkbox
- Adding specific error message for terminated processes
Porting Kit 4.1.31 (03/05/2021):
- Now it's possible to disable hardware acceleration in Preferences
- Cancel buttons of input prompt and list dialog should work properly
- Porting Kit should only run from the Applications folder
- Added cancel analytics event
- XQuartz should be installed properly when needed
- Game installer should be selected before downloading anything, and there should be an option to visit the user GOG's account so GOG games can be downloaded
- Adding "Download Installer Now" button to GOG window
- Source buttons now are more clear buttons
- Fixing Buffer error messages
- PK shouldn't suggest a port destination that matches an existing file/port
- Config file should always be saved and loaded in UTF-8
- Main EXE path should always be replaceable when it's missing
- Fixed bug when listing running applications
- Exceptions from input prompt and list dialog refactored
Porting Kit 4.1.30 (02/05/2021):
- 'Needed installer was not selected' error should only include source name if it is not 'Other'
- Avoiding any kind of exception when handling exceptions
- Improving specific error message
Porting Kit 4.1.29 (02/05/2021):
- If an engine has no processor condition, PK should still install normally
- Main EXE not found analytics warning shouldn't be replaced with analytics error
- Exceptions when prompting a list or a text input shouldn't be replaced with an analytics exception
- Port installation analytic errors shouldn't include the port name
- Fixing setMainApplication when selecting a path that is not from the wrapper's C: drive
- Adjusting the "needed file" error message
Porting Kit 4.1.28 (02/05/2021):
- Avoiding exceptions when dealing with unknown errors on reading Wine registry files
- Minor fix in DOSBox wrapper creation
- Replacing deprecation warnings with native warnings
- Replacing dialogs of removing app with native dialogs
- Added support to drop local apps directly in the library
- Wine should be the first option in the custom port dialog, in experimental mode
Porting Kit 4.1.27 (30/04/2021):
- Returning the end event to the original location, and adding success event
- Event of port installation end should only be sent if the port was installed successfully
- Uncaught exceptions in installer window now should be catch
Porting Kit 4.1.26 (30/04/2021):
- Commenting reference to unexisting file
Porting Kit 4.1.25 (30/04/2021):
- Uncaught exceptions should be sent to Analytics
- Implemented Analytics to catch application errors
- Removed 'Downloading update' message from non-deprecated PK versions
- Fixing search bar along with infinite scroll
- Computer specifications window improved
- Organizing the use of dialogs
Porting Kit 4.1.24 (28/04/2021):
- App icons should only be loaded as the user scrolls
- Replaced many of the alerts with system alerts
Porting Kit 4.1.23 (27/04/2021):
- Added compatibility validation to dependencies
- Compatibility and recommendation rules should come from the server
- Games in troubleshooting state should be visible from the library
- If the server config is not available, but you have a backup config, PK should work normally
- If a wrapper if force killed during a wrapper installation, the installation shouldn't hang
- Refactor of the Wineskin version handling
- Engines now can be replaced by a server config
Porting Kit 4.1.22 (22/04/2021):
- EXEs that are not inside the wrapper won't be recommended as main EXEs
- Installed DOSBox games should be added properly to the local library
- DOSBox wrappers should have the confs properly loaded in custom ports
- DOSBox wrappers should install properly again
Porting Kit 4.1.21 (21/04/2021):
- Ports with dependencies and/or the engine CX64Bit20.0.2-1 should install normally
Porting Kit 4.1.20 (21/04/2021):
- CX19.0.2-2 replacement replaced with CX19.0.2-3
- An EXE should be automatically picked in auto mode if no other EXE fits
- If the main EXE of a port is not valid, and there are more than one valid possibilities, PK should ask the user which one to use
- If the main EXE of a port is not valid, and there is only one valid possibility, PK should set the main EXE automatically
- Improved exception catching on the last installer view
- Handling of exceptions with installer refactored
Porting Kit 4.1.19 (18/04/2021):
- Added extra info to experimental features
- People with experimental features disabled shouldn't be asked to select between Wine and DOSBox
- Custom ports shouldn't include a doubled EXE selection
- Added special condition to replace engines in experimental mode
- If no path can be found for an engine, a proper message should be shown
Porting Kit 4.1.18 (06/04/2021):
- When importing PK3's library, only games that still exist should be added
- If something goes wrong when restoring PK3's library, PK4 shouldn't break
- Startup window should have the buttons with proper names
- When using the advanced installation with GOG games, the main EXE should be detected properly
- When running the advanced installation with a right click, PK should work properly
- Improved the options on the Clear Caches window
Porting Kit 4.1.17 (02/04/2021):
- Improving checkbox selection
- If the default version of MoltenVK is 1.1.0, PK should still perform the environment fix
- installDXVK should install properly
Porting Kit 4.1.16 (02/04/2021):
- Added 'Clear Caches' button into the Tools menu
- Direct3D Boost should be enabled by default
- DXVK 1.1.0 should use the MVK_ALLOW_METAL_EVENTS environment key
- Server info should persist in WSI1 files from the server
- NSAttributedString description shouldn't be lost from WSI1 files
- Replacing Applescript with Javascript
Porting Kit 4.1.15 (28/03/2021):
- Adding support to create new ports from EXE, or to run them in existing ports
- pkid URLs should work properly
- Added specific message for DXVK download failure
- It should be possible to get the DXVK version from the WSI
Porting Kit 4.1.14 (27/03/2021):
- DXVK now should be installed properly
- Now it should be possible to run EXEs with PK4
- Adding support to pkid scheme
- Adding progress bar to update prompt
Porting Kit 4.1.13 (24/03/2021):
- Fixing master wrapper download
Porting Kit 4.1.12 (22/03/2021):
- Adding Wineskin version fallback
- Adding a more specific message when no engine is available
- Won't suggest to install an engine older than the actual one
- Now you can switch dependencies and the icon will be kept
- The default name of wrappers should ressamble the app name
- Dependencies should appear properly when creating custom ports, or using the advanced install
- If DLC includes new custom EXE, they should be added to the library
- DLCs should be installed properly
- Improving library tab load speed
- Legacy port types should be identified
- If a dependency is missing from the config file, PK should raise an error
- Improving config file to support other systems
- WSI, WSI2 and WSI3 files should be supported
- 16 bits apps should be denied in 10.15+, but WSIs can be created
- Removing GOG Galaxy files from GOG ports shouldn't be a part of the WSI
- Adjusts to make unrar and innoextract work on production builds
- Overrides can now be used in DOSBox ports to change the conf
- GOG games that run on DOSBox should do that without Wine
- Adding initial DOSBox support
- Adding methods to retrieve existing EXEs data
- Starting the parsing of existing ports
Porting Kit 4.1.11 (09/03/2021):
- Porting Kit updates should not be retrieved from GitHub yet
- Experimental feature updates should come from a different path
Porting Kit 4.1.10 (28/02/2021):
- Winetrick Github links should be cached
Porting Kit 4.1.9 (28/02/2021):
- WS11 engines are compatible with macOS 10.13+
Porting Kit 4.1.8 (28/02/2021):
- Winetricks now may be downloaded from GitHub
- Porting Kit updates should be retrieved from GitHub
- DXVK should only be installable in 64 bit engines
- GOG Galaxy installer message updated
Porting Kit 4.1.7 (21/02/2021):
- Recent CrossOver engines should only work in macOS 10.14 and up
- Using new engines list endpoint
Porting Kit 4.1.6 (19/02/2021):
- Winetricks should be downloaded properly now
- Dark mode should be enabled by default
- Winetricks URLs should come from config file
Porting Kit 4.1.5 (30/01/2021):
- Added method to download winetrick file from secondary source
- Applescripts should be executed with no parse issues
Porting Kit 4.1.4 (24/01/2021):
- Applescript errors should be more readable
- If the readable name for a folder can't be determined, the path should be shown
- Replacing lib folder with lib64 in MoltenVK installation
Porting Kit 4.1.3 (15/01/2021):
- Vulkan should only be visible when dealing with experimental features, or when installing in advanced mode a port that already has it
Porting Kit 4.1.2 (13/01/2021):
- Should retrieve the master wrapper version only from the config file
- UserData properties should always be read properly
- Preferences window now has General tab
- Added experimental features mode
- Improving performance of the library search bar
- Adding 19.0.2-2 to the list of engines compatible with Silicon processors
- Config file should be cacheable, and overridable
- Installing MoltenVK should be a dependency (Vulkan)
Porting Kit 4.1.0 (09/01/2021):
- Adding recommended engine system
- Apple processor and video card should be in the Ratings list
- Adding initial support for Apple Silicon
- Adding support to Wineskin RC2 engines
Porting Kit 4.0.68 (07/01/2021):
- Wineskin port creation fixed
Porting Kit 4.0.67 (06/01/2021):
Porting Kit 4.0.66 (06/01/2021):
Porting Kit 4.0.65 (05/01/2021):
- Fixing Preferences window
- Server app icons should be cached for better performance
- Analytics step updated
- FAQ updated
- Refresh button in News tab should work properly
- Reading local WSI files should work properly
- Added right-click menu option to create new custom EXE (shortcut)
- Fixed link colors
- Underlines should appear in app descriptions
- Now it's possible to disable wrapper updates on PK's userData.json file
- Added Antivirus startup window